Managed Dedicated Server Hosting India

Experience Peace of Mind with Kennies Managed Dedicated Server Solutions

Transform your Dedicated hosting experience with our Managed Dedicated Server solutions, designed for businesses in India. Kennies IT expert team manages all aspects of server operations, guaranteeing peak performance, security, and reliability. Enjoy peace of mind and concentrate on your core business, while we seamlessly handle your hosting requirements.

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    In the dynamic world of technology, businesses face the ever-growing challenge of managing their data and ensuring seamless access to their online services. Server colocation emerges as a robust solution to cater to these demanding requirements, offering a host of benefits that empower businesses to stay ahead of the curve.

    Server colocation refers to the practice of housing privately-owned servers in a secure and professionally managed data center. Rather than maintaining servers on-site, businesses can leverage colocation services to store their hardware in a specialized facility that provides the necessary infrastructure and support.

    Data centers offering colocation services are equipped with redundant power supplies, cooling systems, and network connections, ensuring maximum uptime and reducing the risk of service disruptions. Security is a top priority for colocation facilities. They implement robust measures like 24/7 surveillance, access controls, and fire detection systems, safeguarding valuable data from potential threats. Setting up and maintaining an on-site data center can be expensive. Server colocation eliminates these capital expenses, allowing businesses to pay only for the space and resources they require.

    In today’s competitive landscape, where downtime and data loss can have severe consequences, server colocation emerges as an indispensable solution. By entrusting your servers to a reliable colocation provider, you can focus on your core business operations while enjoying the benefits of enhanced security, scalability, and professional support. Empower your business with the advantages of server colocation and take it to new heights in the digital realm.


    Server Colocation Hosting Plans

    Share processes an data secure lona need to know basis without the need
    Our prices are clear and straight forward

    Category Product Id SKU Name Product Description QTY MRC Action
    Rack Colo-1 Rack Space COLO RACK SPACE (Rack Footprint- 600mm*1100mm842U) Power Extra 1 20000 Buy Now
    Rack Colo-2 Shared Rack Shared Rack Space in a Standard Rack Cabinet Power Extra 1 1500 Buy Now
    Power Colo-3 1 KVA Rated Equipment Rated Power as per Manufacturers specs 1 7000 Buy Now
    Power Colo-4 3 KVA Rated Equipment Rated Power as per Manufacturers specs 1 2100 Buy Now
    Power Colo-4 Shared Rack Add-on Equipment Rated Power - 100VA (80 W) 1 800 Buy Now

    Technical Specifications: Server Colocation Hosting

    Data Center Facilities

    Evaluate the data center’s location and infrastructure. Look for modern facilities equipped with redundant power sources, backup generators, and advanced cooling systems to ensure maximum uptime and operational stability.

    Connectivity Options

    Check the available network carriers and their capacities. A reliable colocation provider should offer multiple high-speed internet connections from diverse carriers to ensure optimal connectivity and redundancy.

    Power Density and Redundancy

    Ensure that the data center can provide sufficient power density to meet your server’s requirements. Redundant power feeds and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems are essential to safeguard against power failures.

    Network Security

    Assess the data center’s network security measures, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and DDoS protection, to safeguard your servers from potential cyber threats.

    Physical Security

    Security measures are paramount in a data center. Look for facilities with 24/7 surveillance, access controls, biometric authentication, and secure cabinets or cages to protect your servers from unauthorized access.

    Backup & Disaster Recovery

    Inquire about the data center’s backup and disaster recovery procedures. Having robust data backup and recovery options is crucial to ensure the safety of your critical data.


    Consider your future growth needs and assess whether the colocation facility can accommodate your expanding infrastructure requirements. Flexibility to scale up or down easily is essential to adapt to changing business demands.

    Cooling Efficiency

    Efficient cooling systems are crucial to prevent overheating and maintain optimal server performance. Ensure that the data center implements cooling solutions that align with your server’s heat dissipation needs.

    Service Level Agreement (SLA)

    Review the SLA to understand the guaranteed uptime, response times for support, and compensation policies in case of any service interruptions.

    Remote Monitoring & Management

    Check if the colocation provider offers remote monitoring tools or software that allows you to track the performance of your servers and manage them effectively.

    Compliance & Certifications

    Verify whether the data center complies with relevant industry standards and certifications such as SOC 2, ISO 27001, or PCI DSS, depending on your business’s specific regulatory requirements.

    Remote Hands Support

    Check if the colocation provider offers remote hands services. Having skilled technicians available to assist with hardware replacements, reboots, and troubleshooting can be invaluable, especially if you don’t have on-site personnel.

    Why bother switching servers when you can fine-tune your existing setup?

    Kennies Perspective: Server Colocation Hosting

    In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses in India are facing increasing demands for data management, storage, and online services. Colocation hosting emerges as a strategic solution that empowers companies to stay competitive, enhance performance, and scale efficiently. As a leading colocation hosting provider in India, our company offers a perspective on the value and advantages of this service for businesses across various industries.

    State-of-the-Art Data Centers: Our colocation hosting services boast modern and robust data centers strategically located across India. These facilities are designed to meet the highest industry standards, equipped with redundant power sources, advanced cooling systems, and top-notch security measures. 

    Unmatched Connectivity: India’s thriving IT sector demands unparalleled connectivity. Our colocation facilities are well-connected with multiple high-speed internet providers, enabling seamless data transfers and minimal latency. 

    Scalability and Flexibility: We understand that business requirements evolve with time. Our colocation hosting services provide the flexibility to scale up or down as per the needs of our clients. 

    Data Security and Compliance: We prioritize the security of our clients’ data. Our data centers are equipped with advanced security measures, including 24/7 surveillance, biometric access controls, fire detection systems, and network security protocols. 

    Supporting India’s Digital Transformation: As India undergoes a digital transformation, our colocation hosting services play a vital role in supporting businesses’ digital initiatives. By providing reliable and scalable infrastructure, we contribute to the growth and success of companies across diverse industries.

    Why Choose Kennies for Colocation Hosting?

    Robust Infrastructure

    We pride ourselves on operating state-of-the-art data centers equipped with cutting-edge technology. Our facilities boast redundant power systems, advanced cooling, and top-tier security measures to ensure the highest level of uptime and data protection for your servers.

    Unparalleled Connectivity

    Our colocation data centers are strategically located near major internet exchange points, providing low-latency and high-speed connectivity. This results in seamless data transfers, reduced latency, and enhanced user experiences for your online services.

    Scalability and Flexibility

    We understand that businesses evolve over time, and their infrastructure needs change accordingly. Our colocation hosting services offer flexible solutions that can easily adapt to your growing requirements.

    Security and Compliance

    Data security is paramount. Our data centers implement stringent security measures, including 24/7 surveillance, biometric access controls, fire detection systems, and network security protocols. We also adhere to industry compliance standards to ensure your data remains safe and meets relevant regulations.

    Geographical Redundancy

    Redundancy is crucial to safeguard against potential disruptions. By colocating your servers in multiple geographically diverse data centers, you benefit from added redundancy and ensure business continuity even during unforeseen events.

    Optimized Performance

    With our colocation hosting, you can expect optimized server performance and network reliability. By leveraging our robust infrastructure and connectivity, you can deliver exceptional user experiences to your customers or end-users.

    Data Backups

    We provide reliable disaster recovery options and backup solutions to protect your critical data. With redundant backups, you can rest assured that your data is safe and recoverable in case of emergencies.

    Supporting Business Growth

    As your colocation hosting partner, we are committed to supporting your business's growth and success. By handling your server infrastructure, we allow you to focus on your core competencies, driving innovation and achieving your business goals.


    Building and maintaining an on-site data center can be financially burdensome. With our colocation hosting, you can significantly reduce upfront infrastructure costs. By sharing resources in our data centers, you only pay for the space and services you use.

    What People Say

    Share processes an data secure lona need to know basis without the need
    Our prices are clear and straight forward

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    River named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which

    Server Colocation FAQs

    What is server colocation?

    Server colocation is a hosting solution where businesses place their own servers in a third-party data center. The data center provides the necessary infrastructure, security, and network connectivity, while the client retains full control over their hardware and software configurations.

    What are the benefits of server colocation?

    Server colocation offers numerous benefits, including enhanced security, reliable power and cooling, high-speed connectivity, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and professional support. It allows businesses to focus on their core operations while outsourcing data center management to experts.

    Is server colocation suitable for my business?

    Server colocation is ideal for businesses with existing servers that require a secure and optimized environment. It suits companies seeking to reduce infrastructure costs, improve uptime, and scale their IT infrastructure flexibly without managing an on-site data center.

    How secure is my data in a colocation facility?

    Colocation data centers prioritize security. They implement measures such as 24/7 surveillance, biometric access controls, fire detection systems, and compliance with industry standards. Your data is protected from physical and digital threats, ensuring confidentiality and integrity.

    Can I access my servers in a colocation facility?

    Yes, you can access your servers in a colocation facility whenever needed. Colocation providers offer secure access methods, including remote hands services, enabling you to manage and maintain your servers directly or with technical assistance.

    What type of technical support is provided?

    Colocation providers typically offer 24/7 technical support. Skilled technicians are available to assist with server-related issues, hardware replacements, troubleshooting, and network configurations to ensure optimal performance.

    How does server colocation improve connectivity and latency?

    Colocation data centers are strategically located near major internet exchange points, reducing the physical distance between your servers and end-users. This proximity leads to lower latency and faster data transfers, enhancing the user experience for online services.

    Can I upgrade or downgrade my colocation resources?

    Yes, one of the significant advantages of server colocation is its flexibility. You can easily upgrade or downgrade your colocation resources as your business needs change. This scalability allows you to adapt to varying demands and optimize costs.

    What happens during power outages or disasters?

    Colocation data centers often have redundant power systems and backup generators to ensure continuous operation during power outages. Additionally, they offer disaster recovery options and redundant data backups to safeguard your data and ensure business continuity.

    How is server colocation different from other hosting solutions?

    Server colocation differs from traditional web hosting and cloud hosting because clients provide their own servers. Unlike shared hosting, colocation offers dedicated resources, increased security, and greater control over server configurations.
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